New to Waxing; What’s The Perfect Hair Length?

Hey lovelies! You've been considering waxing but aren't sure what to do beforehand? Maybe you’re unsure what length your hair should be. Are you wondering where to start? Well, helllllooooooo! 😍 You’ve come to the right place. We're here to set your mind at ease and provide you with all the information you need to prepare for your first wax! 

First, let’s discuss hair length.

Hair length is crucial when it comes to waxing. So, here's the deal: If your hair is too short, the wax may not be able to wrap the hair around tightly enough to remove it. I know-you’d think the shorter, the better. This is NOT the case! 

So… What is the best length?

The rule of thumb for waxing success is that hair growth should be around 1/4-inch long, regardless of where it is on the body! Not sure what that looks like? It's about the size of a grain of rice. This length guarantees that the wax may readily latch onto the hair. Are you thinking, ‘Well I can’t even see down there, how am I supposed to know the length!?’ Typically, you should wait at least 2 weeks from your last shave, or 3-4 weeks from tweezing or epilating. If it’s been longer than 4 weeks for any of the hair removal methods listed, and worrying that the hairs are too long, don’t trim! Clients tend to trim the hair too short in the hard to reach areas, meaning we can't remove the hairs. We want you to have the smoothest waxing experience possible - no pun intended!😏

Alright, but what if your hair is too short? Don’t worry! We can typically wax the hair, it just won’t feel perfectly smooth to touch. We will more than likely have to tweeze hairs that were too short for the wax to wrap around, but it’s still doable!

Long story short - the longer you can wait, the better! I know, crazy, right!? It’s worth the wait! Your skin will be so much smoother, and the wax will last longer! To summarise; grow out the hair and don’t shave! We are here to make you as comfortable as possible. Our goal is to always make sure you get smooth, and feel sexy! Check out my next blog to find out when you should book your appointment! Stay beautiful, my friends! 😘


Exfoliation Methods; Which Is Best For You?


New to Waxing; When to Book Your Appointment?