Trish’s Scrub and Mitt Product Recommendations!

Hey lovelies! There are soooo many options for products! 😍 There may be some trial and error to find the product that works the best with you and your skin needs. Below, I have listed my two favourites!     

With all of the options available, it’s hard to know where to start. I recommend starting with one product, using it consistently, and using it for at least one month. If you don’t see the results you were hoping for, you know you need to add to your regime (a serum) or try something else!  

Keep it simple, start with one form of exfoliation. 

What is exfoliation? 

Let’s give you the answer straight from the dictionary; to wash or rub (a part of the body) with a chemical, granular substance or exfoliation tool, to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin.

  1. Chemical: Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), Retinoids

  2. Granular Substance: salt, sugar, coffee grounds

  3. Exfoliation Tool: exfoliating mitts, dry brushes, pumice stones

Now that we know what it is, we need to know why we do it. There are so many reasons to exfoliate; there are countless benefits. 

Let’s name a few…

- Exfoliating buffs away dead/dry skin. When there is dead/dry skin it creates a barrier. This can cause ingrown hairs because the hairs can’t poke through the surface. 

-Exfoliating also helps before your wax (at least 24 hours prior to waxing) because dry/dead skin left on the surface can make it harder for the hairs to glide out. That means you can have a tugging feeling during your service (not comfortable), or waxers would have to go over an area more than once to get all the hairs. 

-Exfoliating isn’t just for new waxing clients or for those with strong/coarse hair. It’s great for anyone with really fine/soft hair. Fine/soft hair isn’t as strong, so it can have trouble pushing through the surface. This is when you would see hairs growing sideways, under the surface, without any redness, bumps, or irritation. Usually on the backs of legs where pants rub or around ankles where our socks rub; exfoliating lifts and prevents those softs hairs from staying under the surface.

-Regular exfoliation helps to stimulate collagen to improve the skin's texture, integrity, and keep the skin looking plump, tight, and youthful! Dead skin cells can also reduce the penetration and absorption of your skincare routine products like moisturizers, serums and sunscreen.

My scrub recommendation…

My personal favourite scrub is the Honey Lavender Sea Salt Scrub by Farmhouse Fresh! This scrub is made from finest-grained, fresh sea salt. Lightweight, non-greasy, so addictively yummy, you’ll keep a jar by every sink and bathtub! 🛁

Some key ingredients that the scrub has: 

Rice Bran Oil, Natural Sea Salt (stay away from sugar for below the waist exfoliation, it can mess with your pH), and Vitamin E!

Natural Sea Salt: Removes dead skin, providing better penetration of other products. This stimulates renewal of skin texture!

Rice Bran Oil: Has a high concentration of vitamin E and potent skin antioxidants. This helps to nourish and moisturize the skin!

If you don’t love the feeling of products on your skin, a mitt will do the trick.

My mitt recommendation…

My personal favourite is the Mitt Trio by Fur!

Pair the mit with my go to body wash, which is Nourishing Body Wash (unscented) by Bush Balm!

Originally exclusive to the best-selling Ingrown Concentrate, our fan favourite finger mitt is now available on its own! This is a three-pack of reusable (hellllllooooo eco-friendly!) textured finger mitts, which buffs away dirt and debris. Each mitt is dual-sided; the textures allow you to prep your skin for the rest of your routine! 

How to use…

In the shower, dampen your mitt with water. Use your favourite pH balanced body wash and exfoliate! Since this mitt is dual-sided, you can use the softer side for polishing sensitive skin and the more textured side for buffing rougher spots. Afterwards, hang the mitt on its loop to dry, and machine wash as needed. 

*Tip: Exfoliating with the finger mitt works best on wet skin. For full body exfoliation, it's easier to do in the shower. If you'd just like to use the mitt on your face, wetting your face in the sink is fine! *washing face emoji*

We recommend exfoliating 2-3 times per week. If you've recently removed hair, stick to using the softer side of the mitt for a few days to give your skin time to settle.

Bonus Multi Use (Face): The finger mitt can be used as a standalone physical exfoliant! Use this as a way to prep your skin for product application. You can also pair with your favourite face wash to help lather and penetrate pores for a thorough cleanse!

Choose one of these options and stick with it for at least a month! New products need at least a month to see results.

Well, there you have it! In our next blog, we are going to talk about breakouts from waxing. See you there in our next post! Stay beautiful, my friends! 😘


Trish’s Salicylic Acid Product Recommendations!


Waxing Precautions To Take; Whether at Home or In a Wax Bar