Breakouts; Post-Wax Care
Hey beauties! 😍 Here we are again! This time, I’m going to talk about breakouts, and post-wax care! Let’s put your mind at ease, and talk about some at home care after your wax!
Post-Wax Care: At Home… 🏡
On waxing day: Wear loose clothing near the area you are waxing. Additionally, on the day of your service, you should avoid any form of physical activity that causes you to sweat excessively. Sweat and friction can cause bumps, redness and irritation.
Exfoliating on a regular basis may help prevent acne and ingrown hairs in general. Exfoliate your skin 24 hours before the wax, and then moisturize. Remember, try not to pick at your skin. Your waxer will tweeze any hairs that are just below the surface. Now you should be ready to go for your appointment! If you're red or tender post-wax, a cold compress is the best! Get a washcloth, run it under cold water, and let it sit on your freshly waxed skin. Avoid makeup, fragrance/perfume, or heavy creams after your wax. If there is still redness or irritation 24 hours later use a skin-soothing ointment to the affected region. Products such as hydrocortisone, aloe, or witch hazel, minimize inflammation and irritation. Did you know our post wax cream used in service is available for retail? Tea-Tree Soothe is a light and non-clogging body lotion that quickly conditions and moisturizes, while it helps to minimize blemishes and the look of ingrown hairs, great for anyone with sensitive skin.
If you have a leg wax booked, you should avoid pedicures for the next two days. Avoid saunas and whirlpools with any form of waxing as well.
Breakout regularly after a Back or Chest Wax? This is the only time I recommend a shower (not bath) right after a wax. Set the water to lukewarm/cool (not hot, remember we’re avoiding heat). Cleanse the skin with a light foamy cleanser to remove any microorganisms that may have been brought up via the follicle. Our favourites are the Ingrown-X-It Foaming Gel or Tea-Tree Total Wash. Both are anti-bacterial while also soothing to the skin.
After a wax, while many clients appreciate the smooth, hair-free feeling, you're more prone to infection after hair removal. It's crucial to avoid touching the freshly waxed area for at least 12 hours afterwards!
Don't pop your pimples! This distributes the bacteria and can lead to the appearance of even more pimples. Instead, apply a small amount of tea tree oil or another pimple-fighting lotion to the outside only. Our favourite is the Ingrown-X-It Spray Solution or Nude Ingrown Hair Oil. Both help to reduce redness and inflammation, and pull bacteria or hairs to the surface.
Waxing on a regular basis can also help your skin react more favourably to the hair removal process. Consistency is essential, as post-wax outbreaks can be caused by sensitive skin's reaction to the wax.
Waxing every four to six weeks could help the region acclimatize, and can help you avoid a reactive breakout. If you wait more than six weeks, you'll have to start the process all over again.
Acne is the bane of our existence, but with some proper care, we can do our best to avoid it. Join me and unclog your pores with some juicy information in our next blog post about Salicylic Acid! Stay beautiful, my friends! 😘